Five Steps to Healthy Risk-Taking

He said, ‘Come.’ So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. (Matthew 14:29)

Jesus took risks and expected his disciples to "go and do likewise." Jesus walked on rough water and asked Peter to hop out of the boat and walk out to him. Jesus' cross on Golgotha risked death and the future of God's role in the world. Jesus also called the disciples to pick up and carry their crosses. Yet, Jesus did not call us to take frivolous chances. We need divine wisdom to know what risks are worth our effort.

In "Entrepreneur" magazine, Tom Lewis wrote, "You Will Fail at Risk-Taking Unless You Follow These 5 Strategies." Lewis calls the reader to "1. Be prepared and in a fundamental position." Jesus spent the first 30 years of his life preparing before he started his risk-filled ministry. The preparation gives us the courageous faith necessary to pick up crosses. Next, Lewis calls for "2. Diversification." Jesus' disciples come from all walks of life. God calls us to open ourselves to a wide variety of people.

Lewis reminds the reader that we need to develop a "3. Ripcord." It is crucial to have a plan "B." Rarely do things go as planned. We trust the Holy Spirit will provide alternatives in each challenging situation. "4. Alignment" risks require an assessment to align ourselves for the best possible outcomes. Jesus chose the cross because it aligned with God's victorious plan.

Finally, Lewis addresses the need for "5. Equilibrium." Our lives require balance. If we always sacrifice and risk, we will lose perspective and make bad decisions. Even Jesus required the balance of alone time for prayer before throwing himself into challenging situations. Follow the five-step process, and you will make decisions that align with God's call for your life.


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